Beverly Hillbillies

The Beverly Hillbillies is a lively stage adaptation by David Rogers, based on the beloved 1960s sitcom created by Paul Henning. When Jed Clampett stumbles upon oil on his property, he quickly becomes a millionaire, prompting the charming Clampett family to uproot their lives and head to "Californy." The play chronicles their hilarious journey as they navigate the posh world of Beverly Hills, facing outrageous challenges and quirky romances along the way. Get ready for a rootin'-tootin' good time filled with laughter and unexpected twists!

*This performance is general admission only, with  no reserved seating. Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.  Thank you!

The online public sale starts 10/3/24 and the in-person sale dates in the HS Rotunda are:

  • 10-17-24 (5:30-7:00 pm)

  • 10-26-24 (9:00-11:00 am)

  • 11-6-24 (5:30-7:00 pm)

  • 11-16-24 (9:00-11:00 am)